Horizonscan are Specialist Partners with Aviva
01304 806873 enquiries@horizonscanbcp.com
Since 2017, Horizonscan has been a Specialist Partner for Aviva – one of the UK’s largest general insurers. We provide Business Continuity, Crisis Management and Organisational Resilience support and advice to Aviva's clients.
We work with all parts of the Aviva family, from Brokers to Underwriters and Risk Consultants. Our job is to help make Aviva clients more resilient.

Business Continuity Plan Development
Horizonscan will develop or rewrite your BCP, to include recent lessons learnt or organisational changes. We will engage with key staff either via the workshop or by individual interviews to pull together the requirements of the BCP. Our templates and our approach are in line with the BCI’s “Good Practice Guidelines” and ISO 22301
Business Continuity. The engagement with staff would be onsite and be completed over 1-2 days, depending on the complexity of the work. Following this, Horizonscan would take the lead on developing the BCP. Key sections would need to jointly and will need certain details to fill in the documentation.
The BCP needs to be owned by the business and so engagement is needed throughout the process.

Organisational Debrief
Businesses have been impacted by COVID-19 and every business will have responded in a different way. Plans to mitigate the impact will have been developed, managers will have had to find new ways of working, and contingency plans that were previously on paper have now been stress tested. This response to COVID-19 needs to be captured properly so that an organisation can learn from what happened to improve their processes and planning for the future.
Horizonscan have coaches that are experienced in doing organisational debriefing either from the emergency services or in commercial organisations. The Horizonscan coaches will prepare a workshop that will ask key questions about the COVID-19. This workshop will then be delivered either onsite or online and will capture the key organisational learnings. This will then be written up into a report so that the learnings can be implemented.